Welcome to Our FAQ Section

Have questions? You're in the right place! Whether you're curious about our services, or policies, this FAQ section is designed to address all your queries. We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to make your experience with us as smooth as possible. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Feel free to reach out. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to assist you every step of the way.

What to bring?

What to expect?

How can I prepapre for the session?

When to arrive?

Do I have to engage with people before or during the session?

How many people should I expect around me?

What if I fall asleep or snore?

Should I be sober or use supplements before the session?

What to Bring to a Sound Bath Session?

1.   Comfortable Clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothes that allow you to sit or lie down easily. Since you'll be relaxing for an extended period, comfort is key.

2.   Yoga Mat or Cushion: Most sound baths are conducted on the floor, so bringing a yoga mat, cushion, or blanket can provide a soft and comfortable surface for you to lie down. Some venues might provide these, but it's always good to bring your own for hygiene and personal comfort.

3.   Water Bottle: Hydration is important, especially after a session that aims to relax your body and mind. Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated before and after the sound bath.

4.   Eye Mask or Scarf: An eye mask or a scarf can help you block out any remaining light, enhancing your sense of relaxation and allowing you to focus inward.

5.   Earplugs: While the sounds produced during a sound bath are generally soothing, some individuals might be sensitive to certain frequencies. Bringing earplugs can help you control the level of sound you're exposed to.

6.   Open Mind and Positive Intentions: Approach the session with an open mind and a positive attitude. Sound baths are often accompanied by guided meditation or intention-setting. Being mentally open and receptive can enhance the overall experience.

7.   Optional: Crystals or Personal Items: Some people like to bring crystals, personal talismans, or items of sentimental value to create a sense of familiarity and comfort during the session. These items can also be placed around your mat or cushion.

8.   Leave Distractions Behind: If possible, leave your electronic devices and other distractions behind. This time is for you to unwind and connect with yourself without the interruptions of the outside world.

Remember that every sound bath session may have specific requirements, so it's a good idea to read the email you’ll receive before the session to see if there are any additional items you should bring or specific guidelines you should follow. Enjoy your sound bath experience!


What to Expect from a Sound Bath

A sound bath is a unique and immersive experience that offers deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and a sense of inner peace. While every sound bath may vary slightly depending on the facilitator and the instruments used, here are some common elements to expect during a typical sound bath session:

1.   Comfortable Environment: Sound bath sessions are usually held in a tranquil and dimly lit space. You'll be encouraged to find a comfortable spot, either seated or lying down on a yoga mat or cushion.

2.   Emotional release: Some people will experience an array of emotional states. From crying to laughing, connecting to disconnecting. It is important to let those emotions be expressed and exist for what they are. Non attaching, just observing, and letting them transmit their message.

3.   Live Music with Healing Instruments: The heart of a sound bath lies in the use of healing instruments such as crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and more. A skilled facilitator will create a harmonious and therapeutic soundscape.

4.   Guided Meditation: Sound baths often include a guided meditation or intention-setting phase. This helps you focus your mind and create a positive intention for the session.

5.   Deep Relaxation: As the soothing sounds of the instruments wash over you, you'll likely experience a profound sense of relaxation. Many people find that the vibrations from the instruments help release tension and promote a state of deep calm.

6.   Enhanced Inner Awareness: Sound baths can enhance your inner awareness and mindfulness. You may experience heightened states of consciousness or a deeper connection with your own thoughts and feelings.

7.   Sensory Journey: The sounds will engage your senses, creating a multi-dimensional experience. You might feel the vibrations in your body, see colors behind your closed eyelids, or even have emotional responses to the music.

8.   Release and Rejuvenation: Sound baths are often described as a form of energy clearing. Some participants report a sense of release, feeling lighter and more energized after the session.

9.   Personal Experience: Each individual's experience during a sound bath is unique. Some people may have vivid, transformative experiences, while others may simply enjoy a deep sense of relaxation. The key is to be open to whatever arises for you.

10. No Physical Exertion: Sound baths require no physical effort. You can simply relax and let the sounds do the work, making them accessible to people of all fitness levels.

11. Post-Session Reflection: After the sound bath, there's often time for reflection and discussion with the facilitator or fellow participants. It's an opportunity to share your experiences and gain insights.

In summary, a sound bath is a holistic experience that engages your senses, promotes relaxation, and can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. It's a journey into the world of sound and vibration, offering a unique opportunity to reset, recharge, and find inner harmony. Come with an open mind, and let the healing sounds guide you on your path to well-being.

How to Prepare for Your Sound Bath Session

Preparing for your sound bath session can enhance your overall experience and help you get the most out of the session. Here are a few tips to consider:

1.   Arrive Early: Arriving a little early allows you to settle in, find a comfortable spot, and mentally prepare for the experience. It also shows respect for the facilitator's schedule and ensures you won't miss any important instructions.

2.   Wear Comfortable Clothing: Opt for loose, comfortable clothing that allows you to sit or lie down easily. You'll want to be able to fully relax without any restrictions.

3.   Set an Intention: Take a moment to set a positive intention for your session. It could be to relax, release stress, gain clarity, or simply enjoy the experience. Focusing your mind can enhance the therapeutic effects of the sound bath.

4.   Turn off Your Devices: To create a peaceful environment, switch off your phone and other electronic devices. This eliminates distractions and allows you to fully immerse yourself in the sounds and vibrations.

5.   Bring Your Props: If you have a favorite cushion, blanket, or eye mask that brings you comfort, feel free to bring them along. Some venues provide these items, but having your own familiar props can enhance your relaxation.

6.   Stay Hydrated: Drink water before the session to stay hydrated. Hydration can enhance the relaxation process and help your body respond to the sound vibrations more effectively.

7.   Follow the Facilitator's Guidance: During the session, follow any instructions given by the facilitator. They might guide you through breathing exercises, visualizations, or other techniques to enhance your experience.

8.   Be Respectful: Be mindful of the silence and the space. Respect the experience of others by avoiding unnecessary talking or movements during the session.

By preparing mindfully and respecting the space and guidance provided, you'll be well-equipped to make the most of your sound bath session, leading to a deeply rewarding and transformative experience.

When to arrive?

Arrive around 15 minutes before the start of the session. This time will assure you to find parking, chose a comfortable spot in the room, go to the bathroom and dive into the relaxing mood.

Do I have to engage with people before or during the session?

No. You can stay behind if you wish after the session and engage, but never during the session that you will be asked to do so.

How many people should I expect around me?

Groups are between 15 to 40 people typically. However, that might change depending on the size of the venue and the intentions behind the event.

What if I fall asleep or snore?

During a sound bath, it's common for participants to experience a profound sense of relaxation, sometimes leading to sleep. As a facilitator, my goal is to guide you into a Theta brain wave state, signifying deep relaxation and meditation. However, it's not unusual for individuals to naturally transition into the Delta state, indicative of deep sleep. In this deeply relaxed state, some participants may find themselves snoring.

To maintain the tranquility of the session, attendees are kindly instructed to gently nudge their neighbours if they notice any snoring, allowing everyone to continue their immersive experience undisturbed.

Should I be sober or use supplements before the session?

The decision to be sober or use supplements before a sound bath session ultimately depends on your personal preferences and how you respond to different substances. It's essential to consider how your body and mind react to substances like alcohol or supplements before engaging in a deeply relaxing experience like a sound bath.

In general, it's advisable to avoid alcohol and mind-altering substances before the session. These substances can affect your ability to fully engage with the practice and may alter your perception of the experience. Being sober allows you to be present, mindful, and fully receptive to the healing vibrations and meditative state induced by the sound bath.

However, if you're considering using supplements or herbs known for relaxation, such as herbal teas or natural remedies, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional beforehand. Some supplements might enhance your relaxation and deepen your experience, but it's essential to ensure they are safe and suitable for your individual health condition and overall well-being.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Listen to your body, prioritize your well-being, and make decisions that align with your personal comfort and safety


If you are interested to combine your sound bath with a particular substance, feel free to contact me or join a session that is specifically targeting this type of experience.