Life and the universe have always fascinated me; through a spiritual lens as well as a scientific perspective. With my practice I draw from different forms of knowledge to create tailored experiences for my clients.

By combining modalities it allows me to understand a fuller spectrum of human experiences, to provide personalized pathways that support states of relaxation and release.  

Sound for your soul

Preventative work is crucial in maintaining a healthy and balanced life. Our bodies have the capacity to deal with a lot on their own, but we need to help in creating a safe space where we allow healing to occur. Practicing self care and acknowledging when we need rest, help or support is crutial. This support needs to come from our community as well as from ourselves. Consider restructuring the quality and tone of your thoughts. How well are you treating yourself on the path to your dreams?

Healing comes from aligning your mind with your body and your soul. Having a healthy and balanced mindset is key, but hardly enough. Action and engagement need to be put into practice for success. And lastly, following your gut feeling. We have over a 100 million neurons in our gut and whatever we feel is an indicator and a messenger that needs to be heard. Listen to your body and honour it’s needs.

Sound is a gentle but powerful pathway for healing, giving the opportunity for your body, mind and soul to relax and disconnect from the world’s chaos. All the bronze bowls are healing grade sourced from my school in India.

My sessions

Each session starts with a consultation. My goal is to get a better picture of your state of mind and health to target areas that need attention and tuning. Setting specific intentions and plan for your maximum benefits.

I proceed with the sound bath that includes curated instruments, crystal and metal singing bowls. The interactive approach combines placing the bowls around my patients and directly on their torso. Some sounds are responsible to relax and disconnect the mind, by interfering with brainwaves and bringing them into a state of meditation. Other bowls are working directly on the patient. The vibrations penetrate deep into the body and target different glans in order to help the natural calibration of it’s functions.

The bowls also provide an immersive and hypnotizing feeling that enhances and promotes muscle relaxation and emotional release. Each person reacts differently to musical notes and it’s combinations. Different emotions and feelings may come forward.

Lastly, I like everyone to take their time in getting back into reality. I encourage a quick debriefing at the end.