No more putting your art on the back burner

  • It’s time to stop recreating the same obstacles that keep you playing small.

  • It’s time to remove those blocks that keep you stagnant.

  • It’s time to stop living a dimmed-down version of your true identity.

  • It’s time to make your art!

I get it! I’ve been there too. I spent years feeling blocked, battling self-sabotaging behaviours, stagnation, and resistance. which is why I created the "Awaken Your Inner Artist" course.

Fight for the part of you that yearns to emerge

This course is for you if:

  • You want to put your art in the forefront of your life.

  • You are done with limiting beliefs and self-sabotage.

  • You want to share and express your inner world.

  • You aspire to evolve into the person you have been hiding.

  • You're ready to reconnect with your creative

What if this was possible?

  • Embody your identity and draw from your own experiences to create.

  • Complete the projects you've been putting off for years.

  • Transform your inner landscapes into art that matters to you!

  • Start each day excited that you're embracing the part of you that wants to make your mark on the world.

  • Move through obstacles, discover opportunities, find flow and….

    Make your art!

"Every piece of your story has a direct link to your art"

In order to Awaken you Inner Artist you need to master these 3 critical steps

Understand Chaos

So that you can embrace it, make it work for you, not against you, and create amazing art from it.

Access Flow

So that you can create with ease, and access the optimal state of performance, aligned with what you truly want.

Make your Art

So that you can express yourself, find fulfillment, stop feeling like something in your life is missing, and step into creation.

From Chaos to Expression

I spent a significant portion of my life suppressing my true calling. My energy was constantly draining, leaving me unable to start or finish projects. My life was filled with chaos and resistance, preventing me from living my authentic artistic identity. Even though my life appeared amazing from the outside—I was traveling and living life to the fullest—deep inside, I longed for something more meaningful, something unique that I could offer to the world.

After a near-death experience, I made the commitment to fully pursue my dream. This transformation didn't happen overnight; it took years of persistent effort to reach where I am today. I designed this course because I wish I had access to something like this 15 years ago.

Since childhood, I have been overwhelmed by chaos and noise, preventing me from seeing the opportunities that were always in front of me. I blamed my lack of time, talent, resources, and ADHD for not following my true calling. I kept telling myself, "It's not the right time," and "I'm not ready," which led to self-sabotage, depression, anxiety, and numbness.

Overcoming these fears brought me purpose, fulfillment, and peace.

Today, my mission is to inspire and support you to do the same!


What’s included

8 comprehensive video trainings, where Willow personally guides you through each module of the proven process, ensuring you have continual support throughout the journey.

8 worksheets to assist you in integrating the material and getting to the core of your progress with ease.

A personalized coaching session with Willow to assist you in aligning with your optimal path.

Weekly group coaching calls to review the material, support each other, and ensure everyone stays on track.

A community of like-minded individuals who accompany you on this journey.

Lifetime access to the program, allowing you to revisit the course whenever needed.